Pastoral Care is a service providing support and guidance for all students in their academic, personal and social development. Our Pastoral Care Department provides this support in a number of ways including one to one support, classroom guidance lessons, targeted small groups and whole school initiatives. Students can access this support and guidance both within the classroom and in our dedicated pastoral care space which provides a comfortable, private and safe place for our students to access any additional support that they require.
Our classroom teaching staff provide this support on a daily basis within the provision of weekly PSED (Personal, Social, Emotional Development) or PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) from the Early years Foundation Stage through to Key Stage 5. In addition to this, our Pastoral Care Department can provide further services for children that require support and guidance beyond that already provided in the classroom. Working alongside the teaching and support staff we are able to provide this service on a one to one basis, in small groups and across the whole school.
The academic achievements and personal well-being of our students is of utmost importance to KIS. We strive to identify any issues or concerns regarding our students at the earliest possible opportunity and to take the steps to remove any barriers to learning and development which may be preventing our students from reaching their potential.
Our KIS Listening Team – a group of teachers dedicated to being available for all students to speak to about anything that they need. Students can request to speak to any member of the listening team at any time by filling in a request at one of our Listening Team posts that are situated around the school.
Parents/guardians are welcome to raise any issues or concerns of a pastoral nature within the school by talking to the classroom teacher or contacting the Head of Pastoral Care.
Our Pastoral Care Department coordinates and provides any additional support required, from providing a programme of one to one support for individual students to setting up targeted small groups to respond to an issue shared by multiple students, and running whole school events promoting positive behaviour throughout the school community.